N. 6 | What it means for companies

August 11, 2017

N. 6 | What it means for companies

The company of the future will be sustainable or will have no way of existing. It is not only the growing number of consumers who declare that they consider the sustainability of a product a decisive criterion, at least as quality and price, but also a series of parameters and ESG indicators (Environmental Social and Governance criteria) that have become essential competitive standards.

Transparency in terms of environmental impact, respect for workers' rights and the adoption of strategies aimed at sustainability and the circular economy is now a yardstick for the survival of tomorrow's company.

If it is clear that green practice is an essential requirement, it is equally true that the outlines of the same are still somewhat blurred.

Green practice: yes, but how?

But what are the declinations of sustainability? What are the activities that make a company truly sustainable? Let’s be clear

The sustainability of a company essentially revolves around 5 areas:

  • product eco-innovation understood as all those activities that reduce the impact on the environment and reduce the amount of resources necessary to produce a specific product.
  • recovery of own waste that means to draw value from waste considering them as resources and not as problems intervening upstream on the problem of environmental disposal
  • production of energy from alternative sources and therefore use of renewable and inexhaustible sources for the planet
  • optimization of logistics that refers to the adoption of sustainable packaging solutions as well as the use of alternative transport modes
  • efficiency of production processes that does not only refer to doing more with less but also takes into consideration investments in the continuous improvement of its performance even when these do not have immediate results or benefits.

In short, sustainability is a need that generates future value. An investment for the environment and for the business!