
n. 13 | focus on SDGs 15 and 17

ELS Agency

n. 13 | focus on SDGs 15 and 17

Circular economy is an essential part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals included in the 2030 Agenda, the action plan for the planet adopted by United Nations in september 2015.

 We have already analyzed some of the SDGs directly influenced by circular economy. Today we will focus on the objectives n.15 and 17.

 The 15th Goal is about life on land and it aims to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation

 It’s intended to preserve and restore ecosystems in a sustainable way. This Goal aims at halting deforestation, ensuring the restoration of the damages to forests and at increasing reforestation by 2030. It requires an emergency action in order to reduce the environmental degradation of natural habitats and an important allocation of funds for a sustainable management of ecosystem. Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem means also extending product life-cycle in terms of circular economy.  Nature reminds us that in it there are no waste but only resources.

 The 17th (and last) Goal in instead addressed to the partnership for the Goals and it’s intended to “revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”

According to it, there is no doubt about the fact that the success of the implementation of the 17 SDGs depends on a global cooperation framework between all countries. This Goal underlines the importance of an international collaboration in order to respect the commitments made. The global partnership is intended as a partnership about finance, technologies, trade, institutional coherence, capacity building, ,multilateral partnership and performance monitoring. Partnership does not mean only mobilisation of internal funds but also exchange and flow of ideas and competences reached in terms of sustainable technologies.